We’ve come to the end of my Avacyn Restored cube breakdown. Green has some spicy additions this time, and that’s always a good thing! There are a few Multicolor, Artifacts, and Lands that I’m also considering. Let’s get to it!
Posts tagged Avacyn Restored
Cuber DJ – Avacyn Restored Black & Red (Part 2 of 3)
Here we are for round 2 of the Avacyn Restored set review! Let’s get to it!
Cuber DJ – Avacyn Restored White & Blue (Part 1 of 3)
It is every cube writer’s pleasure to explain what changes will come to the cube with each new set. I will begin my Avacyn Restored set review with the white and blue cards that I believe will make an impact.
Avacyn Restored – Release Event Sealed Pool & Decklist
I went to a local Release event last Friday and had a blast. I ended up splitting in the finals and netting a good stack of packs and playset of the Promo Restoration Angel‘s! I was happy to split in the finals as my opponent was playing U/W fliers had a Tamiyo, the Moon Sage, Divine Deflection and a Goldnight Redeemer with a few unblockables to boot. Below is my sealed pool and below that is the deck I chose to run. I ended up winning the round before the finals with a “Miracle” off the top (aka Revenge of the Hunted) and of course it tilted my opponent (but I was all smiles). Look at what I put together and let me know if you would have done anything differently.
Avacyn Restored Sealed: First Thoughts
After clocking some playtime with the new set, I wanted to give my initial thoughts on the cornerstones of this sealed format. Bombs, removal, mana fixing, and the type of deck you are constructing are critical in finding success in this limited format, so lets break down each of those for AVR.
New Standard Decks Updated with Avacyn Restored
With the release of a new set comes updated and possibly new decklists! Up to this point U/W Delver, R/G Aggro, and R/G Wolf Run Ramp always seems to be in the spot light making multiple top 8’s and winning numerous StarCityGames tournaments over and over. Does this new set promise any changes? Will U/W Delver still be considered the best deck? Lets take a look at some new options and go over the card changes.
Avacyn Restored Sealed Pool Exercise
I was fortunate enough to be able to play in a few sealed events over the weekend. While all three pools presented multiple options, the first pool seemed to have infinite builds. I am going to post the card pool along with an email to find out how others would construct the pool. Then next week, I will go into detail on the different builds that I tried along with what other readers post.
Avacyn Restored Limited – Commons to Not Overlook
Like many of you I am your average joe magic player, getting in games when possible, but working 40 plus hours a week and raising a beautiful family takes time 🙂 This is not an in depth review of the entire limited format. For the most part everyone knows cheap removal, aggressively costed creatures (high power/toughness to low casting cost), and creatures with evasion are early pics. In case you are planning to attend any of the pre release events this weekend here is a quick look at a handful of commons that might get over looked at first glance.
Avacyn Restored Card Speculation – Part 2
Here is part 2 of my Avacyn Restored Card Speculation of a handful of Mythics and Rares that I think are worth noting. Some are busted and playable while others are just great Commander or Casual cards. Like the last time, I talk briefly about each one and gave a price guide to what I think will happen to them. Lets go!
Avacyn Restored Card Speculation – Part 1
As of writing this, the whole set has yet to be completely spoiled. That being said there is still some pretty large hype and expectations for some of the new cards coming out in Avacyn Restored. I am going to go over a few of them and what my feelings are about the hype, prices, and the format’s they may or may not impact.
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