This week, we tackle another 4-Pack sealed event featuring no other than Return to Ravnica! This set has allowed for a very diverse take on the format with practically any type of deck configuration to be quite successful. More so for the type of deck that would normally fall short in a 6-Pack sealed format, a.k.a the Mill deck! Last week, we were witness to its power in full fury. But like a good friend of mine says, “Why live in the past? The is a vast future ahead of us…” Let us see what this new week brings us!
Posts tagged Limited
Limited Paradise – Numero 1
It is said that every great story has an intricate and/or interesting beginning. This could be said to be our beginning of such an impressive journey that our great story will tell. This seems to be a proper moment for introductions of your storyteller, my name is Sergio Quevedo. I was introduced to Magic: the Gathering around 2003. My planeswalker days began on Mirrodin, where I fought in the many battles that consequently scarred its land. READ MORE »
Cuber DJ – Ten Traps for Johnny in the Magic Online Cube (Part 2 of 2)
Hi, Welcome back! I took a Diablo III break from writing articles. It’s a fantastic game, but I think I have it out of my system now.
When we last left off, we were discussing the top 10 Johnny traps in the Magic Online Cube.
Cuber DJ – Ten Traps for Johnny in the Magic Online Cube (Part 1 of 2)
Cube is a format for Spike, the win-at-all-costs player. I played the Magic Online Cube extensively the second time it was available. I noticed a lot of cards in the cube that I had cut, sometimes years ago. It seemed to me like Wizards was shoehorning more build-around-me, Johnny cards than would otherwise be needed for a cube drafting experience.
Pauper Cube – Top 10 Artifacts to First Pick
We are back for Round 4 of the Top 10 Pauper Cube Picks and today we have Artifacts. This is a great topic as these cards are universal for the most part and can go into any color strategy. Read on to see whats in store.
Cuber DJ – Top 10 Unusual Cards From My Cube’s History
I thought I would do a more lighthearted article this week to break up all the seriousness about the new set. I have been cubing for years now, and I occasionally like to throw curveball cards in the mix for my players that are pretty obscure. Many of them are from Unglued and Unhinged. Here’s my retrospective of odd cards from my cube’s history.
Pauper Cube – Top 10 Instants to First Pick
Here is the third out of (currently) four parts to a few Top 10 lists I wanted to do for the Pauper Cube. Enjoy my picks for First Pickable Instant cards in a Pauper Cube and let me know what you think in the comments.
Cuber DJ – Avacyn Restored Green & Other (Part 3 of 3)
We’ve come to the end of my Avacyn Restored cube breakdown. Green has some spicy additions this time, and that’s always a good thing! There are a few Multicolor, Artifacts, and Lands that I’m also considering. Let’s get to it!
Pauper Cube – Top 10 Sorceries to First Pick
Here is my collection of the Top 10 Sorceries to take first in a Pauper Cube. Again, these are in no particular order.
Pauper Cube – Top 10 Creatures to First Pick
Today I will go over what I feel are first pickable creatures in the world of a common cube. Everyone has their own opinion but most of these I have seen in action multiple times and are usually the center point for any game in progress. Consider this a cheat sheet directly from my drafting experience….your welcome. These are in no particular order so lets get started.
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