Hi, Welcome back! I took a Diablo III break from writing articles. It’s a fantastic game, but I think I have it out of my system now.
When we last left off, we were discussing the top 10 Johnny traps in the Magic Online Cube.
Hi, Welcome back! I took a Diablo III break from writing articles. It’s a fantastic game, but I think I have it out of my system now.
When we last left off, we were discussing the top 10 Johnny traps in the Magic Online Cube.
Cube is a format for Spike, the win-at-all-costs player. I played the Magic Online Cube extensively the second time it was available. I noticed a lot of cards in the cube that I had cut, sometimes years ago. It seemed to me like Wizards was shoehorning more build-around-me, Johnny cards than would otherwise be needed for a cube drafting experience.
I thought I would do a more lighthearted article this week to break up all the seriousness about the new set. I have been cubing for years now, and I occasionally like to throw curveball cards in the mix for my players that are pretty obscure. Many of them are from Unglued and Unhinged. Here’s my retrospective of odd cards from my cube’s history.
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