Here is my latest attempt to do some MTGO recordings with a GW Aggro-ish Standard deck. Its a non-standard list that I think would do well at an FNM or just sitting around with your buddies. I would not feel completely comfortable taking it to a big tournament, but if you did, I would not fault you for it you would probably do alright.
Posts in category Constructed
Modern Family – Chicago Fire
After spending basically an entire day in airports I’m finally back from my hometown of Chicago. First, the good news: Chicago was amazing as ever. After moving to Florida a few years ago, any chance I have to spend in the place of my birth I will gratefully take. I spent a lot of time with friends, ate at Jim’s Original Polish and Hotdogs, had Joy Yee in Chinatown, amazing Italian Beef from Portillos, had a Chicago Mix from Garrett’s Popcorn, fantastically famous Filipino breakfast at Uncle Mike’s Place, oh yeah, and I got to see my hometown team The Chicago Bears play the AFC’s #1 team The Houston Texans. I’ve been home a number of times but this time was a little different. I had a chance to play at the Grand Prix.
Bryan’s Brews No.3 – G/W Humans
I would generally like to release a new brew every week on Wednesday but this week has been woefully busy!
This weeks’ brew isn’t anything combo, it isn’t anything fancy or new so to say, but rather a very solid deck I have spent a grand amount of time editing and playtesting.
Modern Family – Breaking Bad
Too many television show references?
Hey! It’s Chris Adraneda again. I’ll be leaving for Grand Prix Chicago soon and wanted to drop some thoughts before I make the trip home. I am 99% sure I’m playing Jund since it has a really good game against the field and is very resilient. At the same time I don’t know if I’m good enough to beat the mirror match every other round. When it comes to the mirror match, obviously the better player will win a majority of the time. READ MORE »
Bryan’s Brews No. 2 – RUG Soul Combo
Alright everyone I got a really awesome list this week for you!
I saw a version of this being played at the Star City Games tournament this past weekend and really enjoyed watching it being played; it really has a lot of awesomeness going on.
Introducing Shawn Ellis – The Champ is Here!
Hey fans and followers! My name is Shawn Ellis and this is my first article on Average Joes. I’ve been a “Joe” for almost 6 months but having been “Average” for most of my magic career has been the story. I started playing in 2006 and have been on and off through the years until now. Its time for me to to STAY.
Modern Family – Prepping for Grand Prix Chicago
Hey everybody! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Chris Adraneda. I am a long time Magic player dating all the way back to when Legends first dropped in 1994.
A brief history: one day my brother came home with a bunch of extra commons and uncommons from Revised and Legends that a friend gave to him. Needless to say, that is all it took. I was addicted. READ MORE »
Bryan’s Brews No. 1 – Epic RUG Ramp
I’m kind of known as the dude that plays something different every single week. I love Magic: the Gathering for many reasons but one of the main reasons is because I always have something to think about; I always have something to work on. I love brewing decks and I love it when I see an awesome brew that someone is working on. Due to these reasons I am going to start posting here on regularly with kind of like a “brew of the week” format for those that like reading and discussing this sort of thing. For the most part I will stick with Standard brews but I won’t say there will not be the occasional Modern or Legacy brew.
Standard Bruna – The Aura Authority
Bruna, Light of Alabaster, is a card that is begging to be abused. In Magic, getting anything for free is huge value, and she has the ability to get many things for free.
When one first sees this card, they automatically try to think of the best, beefiest, most powerful aura to try and get on her; but in reality, its a lot simpler than that. When building a deck that utilizes her, its a smarter route not to cram as many aura’s in the deck as possible. Instead try to find the perfect ones.
True Jund – My Deck of Choice for States 2012
When cards first started being spoiled for Return to Ravnica, I kept talking to my friends about how good I thought Jund was. It was a big deal at the Pro Tour for Block Constructed and it only seemed to get better with cards like Abrupt Decay, Thragtusk, and of course the Shock Lands. I didn’t sit down and brew different decks over and over to try different things, I just kept brewing the same deck in my head and kept wondering how to make it better. Here was my thought process and my decklist that I decided on. READ MORE »
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