Alright everyone I got a really awesome list this week for you!
I saw a version of this being played at the Star City Games tournament this past weekend and really enjoyed watching it being played; it really has a lot of awesomeness going on.
Here is the list:
The core combo of the deck has been known for a while, that being creating infinite blue mana by blinking Zealous Conscripts with Deadeye Navigator while it is soulbound and then untapping Gilded Lotus therefore netting 1 blue mana each time you do it.
Something that I really really like about this deck is the secret maindeck technology; Nightshade Peddler and Izzet Staticaster. Oh yeah, don’t forget Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius. He’s not too shabby either when paired up.
It is like a combo within a combo deck! Bring it on Lingering Souls!
What is really good about this combo is that it is instant speed removal in a format that is really short on instant speed removal, so it helps you stabilize while working towards your combo.
Another really awesome thing you can do is blink your Thragtusk which is really cute in my opinion.
Your nut draw with this deck is Turn 2 Farseek. Turn 3 Snapcaster Mage flashing back Farseek. Turn 4 Gilded Lotus into Forbidden Alchemy pitching Increasing Confusion. Turn 5 go infinite by casting Zealous Conscripts using Gilded Lotus and untapping it to play Deadeye Navigator leaving 2 mana open; then flashback Increasing Confusion for game.
It is really slow and alot of the time you’re not going to get this draw so that is where Thragtusk‘s, Huntmaster of the Fells, and the Nightshade Peddler + Izzet Staticaster combo come into play.
That’s all I have to say this week guys, leave comments/suggestions/what you would like to see in the comments or if you have a brew you want me to post, feel free to email it to me:
Until next time, good luck and have fun!
Bryan Elliott
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