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December 2012 FNM Promo – Gitaxian Probe
FNM Promo for December 2012 is Gitaxian Probe! Read more to check out the new art…
GW Aggro(ish) – Video Matches with Decklist
Here is my latest attempt to do some MTGO recordings with a GW Aggro-ish Standard deck. Its a non-standard list that I think would do well at an FNM or just sitting around with your buddies. I would not feel completely comfortable taking it to a big tournament, but if you did, I would not fault you for it you would probably do alright.
November 2012 FNM Promo – Pillar of Flame
Check out the sweet new art on Pillar of Flame!
True Jund – My Deck of Choice for States 2012
When cards first started being spoiled for Return to Ravnica, I kept talking to my friends about how good I thought Jund was. It was a big deal at the Pro Tour for Block Constructed and it only seemed to get better with cards like Abrupt Decay, Thragtusk, and of course the Shock Lands. I didn’t sit down and brew different decks over and over to try different things, I just kept brewing the same deck in my head and kept wondering how to make it better. Here was my thought process and my decklist that I decided on. READ MORE »
TARMOGOYF being REPRINTED in Modern Masters!
Tarmogoyf, the all format All-Star is getting new art and a printing with the new border. It will be printed in a special non-standard set called Modern Masters. Its a 229 card set that will come in 15 card booster packs in a 24 pack box. Each pack is $6.99 MSRP. No basic lands will be printed and a foil card in its place. This set will have the same print run of mythic/rare/uncommon/common ratio as M13. They also announced a Sealed GP in Las Vegas for this set on June 22-23, 2013 after the set will be released (June 7, 2013). Stay tuned for more spoilers! Read more to see the NEW Tarmogoyf! Amazing stuff!
Limited Insight: M13 Underrated Draft Picks
I have been drafting my fair share of M13 and having a blast so far. With the M13 prerelease on MODO this past weekend and the release next, there is a lot of spells to be slung in the upcoming weeks. Opening new cards and just opening packs in general always gives me a little rush of excitement. Today I want to talk about some underrated common & uncommon picks in M13 Draft but not obvious 1st picks (ex. Murder, Oblivion Ring, Switcheroo, etc). Lets see what we have to work with…
From the Vault: Realms (Lands)
This is a special Land set for the ‘From the Vault’ series. It will be released on August 31st, 2012 and is supposed to cost $35 but that never happens. It will contain 15 lands and depending on what lands end up going in this will determine the ultimate price. Read more to see some of the spoilers from Comic-Con and what the box will look like that this all will come in.
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