This week, we tackle another 4-Pack sealed event featuring no other than Return to Ravnica! This set has allowed for a very diverse take on the format with practically any type of deck configuration to be quite successful. More so for the type of deck that would normally fall short in a 6-Pack sealed format, a.k.a the Mill deck! Last week, we were witness to its power in full fury. But like a good friend of mine says, “Why live in the past? The is a vast future ahead of us…” Let us see what this new week brings us!
Posts tagged Sealed
Limited Paradise – Numero 1
It is said that every great story has an intricate and/or interesting beginning. This could be said to be our beginning of such an impressive journey that our great story will tell. This seems to be a proper moment for introductions of your storyteller, my name is Sergio Quevedo. I was introduced to Magic: the Gathering around 2003. My planeswalker days began on Mirrodin, where I fought in the many battles that consequently scarred its land. READ MORE »
Limited Insight: M13 Underrated Draft Picks
I have been drafting my fair share of M13 and having a blast so far. With the M13 prerelease on MODO this past weekend and the release next, there is a lot of spells to be slung in the upcoming weeks. Opening new cards and just opening packs in general always gives me a little rush of excitement. Today I want to talk about some underrated common & uncommon picks in M13 Draft but not obvious 1st picks (ex. Murder, Oblivion Ring, Switcheroo, etc). Lets see what we have to work with…
Avacyn Restored – Release Event Sealed Pool & Decklist
I went to a local Release event last Friday and had a blast. I ended up splitting in the finals and netting a good stack of packs and playset of the Promo Restoration Angel‘s! I was happy to split in the finals as my opponent was playing U/W fliers had a Tamiyo, the Moon Sage, Divine Deflection and a Goldnight Redeemer with a few unblockables to boot. Below is my sealed pool and below that is the deck I chose to run. I ended up winning the round before the finals with a “Miracle” off the top (aka Revenge of the Hunted) and of course it tilted my opponent (but I was all smiles). Look at what I put together and let me know if you would have done anything differently.
Avacyn Restored Sealed: First Thoughts
After clocking some playtime with the new set, I wanted to give my initial thoughts on the cornerstones of this sealed format. Bombs, removal, mana fixing, and the type of deck you are constructing are critical in finding success in this limited format, so lets break down each of those for AVR.
Avacyn Restored Sealed Pool Exercise
I was fortunate enough to be able to play in a few sealed events over the weekend. While all three pools presented multiple options, the first pool seemed to have infinite builds. I am going to post the card pool along with an email to find out how others would construct the pool. Then next week, I will go into detail on the different builds that I tried along with what other readers post.
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