I have been drafting my fair share of M13 and having a blast so far. With the M13 prerelease on MODO this past weekend and the release next, there is a lot of spells to be slung in the upcoming weeks. Opening new cards and just opening packs in general always gives me a little rush of excitement. Today I want to talk about some underrated common & uncommon picks in M13 Draft but not obvious 1st picks (ex. Murder, Oblivion Ring, Switcheroo, etc). Lets see what we have to work with…
Posts tagged M13
Some M13 Cards I Am Excited About (so far)
For the cards that have been shown as of 2012-06-12 here are a few that I am excited about. Some are reprints and some are new. Lets jump into it…
FNM Promo for July and an M13 Promo
Sweet card choice for July, Forbidden Alchemy! The promo is not too bad either for M13, it seems like a house in Limited. Read more for an Image
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