Hello everyone! This is Brennan Michael DeCandio finally getting out there and doing some Magic Online draft videos for a website. Can’t express how good it feels to be doing this, it really is something I enjoy doing and have the necessary skill set for through hundreds upon hundreds of hours of practice for nearly 12 years now. READ MORE »
Posts tagged Draft
Limited Insight: M13 Underrated Draft Picks
I have been drafting my fair share of M13 and having a blast so far. With the M13 prerelease on MODO this past weekend and the release next, there is a lot of spells to be slung in the upcoming weeks. Opening new cards and just opening packs in general always gives me a little rush of excitement. Today I want to talk about some underrated common & uncommon picks in M13 Draft but not obvious 1st picks (ex. Murder, Oblivion Ring, Switcheroo, etc). Lets see what we have to work with…
Pauper Cube – Top 10 Artifacts to First Pick
We are back for Round 4 of the Top 10 Pauper Cube Picks and today we have Artifacts. This is a great topic as these cards are universal for the most part and can go into any color strategy. Read on to see whats in store.
Pauper Cube – Top 10 Instants to First Pick
Here is the third out of (currently) four parts to a few Top 10 lists I wanted to do for the Pauper Cube. Enjoy my picks for First Pickable Instant cards in a Pauper Cube and let me know what you think in the comments.
Pauper Cube – Top 10 Sorceries to First Pick
Here is my collection of the Top 10 Sorceries to take first in a Pauper Cube. Again, these are in no particular order.
Pauper Cube – Top 10 Creatures to First Pick
Today I will go over what I feel are first pickable creatures in the world of a common cube. Everyone has their own opinion but most of these I have seen in action multiple times and are usually the center point for any game in progress. Consider this a cheat sheet directly from my drafting experience….your welcome. These are in no particular order so lets get started.
Avacyn Restored Limited – Commons to Not Overlook
Like many of you I am your average joe magic player, getting in games when possible, but working 40 plus hours a week and raising a beautiful family takes time 🙂 This is not an in depth review of the entire limited format. For the most part everyone knows cheap removal, aggressively costed creatures (high power/toughness to low casting cost), and creatures with evasion are early pics. In case you are planning to attend any of the pre release events this weekend here is a quick look at a handful of commons that might get over looked at first glance.
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