Tarmogoyf, the all format All-Star is getting new art and a printing with the new border. It will be printed in a special non-standard set called Modern Masters. Its a 229 card set that will come in 15 card booster packs in a 24 pack box. Each pack is $6.99 MSRP. No basic lands will be printed and a foil card in its place. This set will have the same print run of mythic/rare/uncommon/common ratio as M13. They also announced a Sealed GP in Las Vegas for this set on June 22-23, 2013 after the set will be released (June 7, 2013). Stay tuned for more spoilers! Read more to see the NEW Tarmogoyf! Amazing stuff!
So my question is, will this replace M14 or will there be 5 sets released next year?
forscyth said its going to be released in between the last set of the RTR block and the next core set.