It is every cube writer’s pleasure to explain what changes will come to the cube with each new set. I will begin my Avacyn Restored set review with the white and blue cards that I believe will make an impact.
I’ve heard a lot of buzz about this creature for the cube. Four mana for a 3/3 Flyer with upside is better than average. However, there’s been a stigma in my playgroup about cards with triple-colored mana costs. They don’t seem to be played very often and are, typically, 13-15th picks. Previous, low-played examples include Cryptic Command, Necropotence, and Ball Lightning. Angel of Jubilation does do a fantastic job of stymieing Phyrexian mana cards in the cube of which Dismember has so far been the most powerful.
The namesake creature of the set, and a powerful one at that! Avacyn is going to make waves in casual decks around the world. I expect to play against her for years to come. She’s a casual staple like Darksteel Colossus and Avatar of Woe. Her cube implications, however, are not so stellar. She is triple-costed, which is a huge downside. Eight mana can be very difficult to muster and white isn’t known for its ramp. I don’t support full-blown, reanimator decks in my cube. The closest card to compare this to is Akroma, Angel of Wrath. Akroma doesn’t make the cut these days, either.
Ah, my first miracle card to evaluate. It’s really just a bad Desert Twister that cannot hit planeswalkers or lands. The instant speed and tiny miracle cost help, but not enough for inclusion. Miracles can be enabled by a few cards in the cube, Sensei’s Divining Top, for instance. It doesn’t make them worth taking up slots that could be filled with otherwise cheaper mana cost cards.
Cloudshift is a possible include for my cube. It does reset “enters the battlefield” creatures and protect your creatures from removal. It also can remove unwanted enchantments or even help you regain control of your opponent’s creature that you used Control Magic on.
I don’t support black reanimator much in my cube. I run only the elite cards, such as Animate Dead. White has several options for reanimation, too. I’m already not using these cards such as Breath of Life and Miraculous Recovery. I have tested the previous two cards before and cut them. They are still fine cards to play if you wish. They just weren’t the direction I wanted for white and neither is Defy Death.
White has gotten a few of these cards over the years. I ran Shining Shoal when I first build my cube. It was mediocre in my experience. Your mileage may vary. I have been focusing more on white’s creatures lately, and white has excelled! It went from being the worst color in my cube to probably the 3rd best (after blue and red). Divine Deflection is a welcome addition if you already run Shining Shoal or focus more on white’s spellcasting and removal options.
This card looks very solid. It resets your “enters the battlefield” creatures and your ailing planeswalkers or vivid lands. I like that is is an upgraded Kor Skyfisher. I use that card in my cube and will be adding this as well. White has a lot of powerful three-drops already, and it faces stiff competition. It can fit into aggro and control and will be highly drafted.
This gives you the worst half of Decree of Justice with a more difficult mana cost. I am not a fan. Despite its recent Pro Tour success, it will not be making my cube.
This is the real deal! It’s an efficient beater with flash and flying. It resets your “enters the battlefield” creatures and saves them from removal. It reminds me of Galepowder Mage that we used to run, but it’s leagues better! These types of cards are why I’ve been focusing on white creatures lately. Restoration Angel is an auto-include!
I’m not a big fan of cards that require other cards to work their best. I am a Spike and not a Johnny, after all! This card is exceptional, however. Double strike should make everyone happy. Giving two creatures double strike for only 3 mana is a steal! I am already having visions of pairing this with a firebreathing creature like Moltensteel Dragon!
Hallowed Burial for one more mana, or only one mana if I’m lucky! Sign me up!
Devastation Tide is better than Evacuation a lot of the time, but that doesn’t warrant an inclusion. I think I’m going to stick with Upheaval in this slot. Miracles are not going to hit often enough and cube games go long with cards like Scroll Rack and Sensei’s Divining Top already without people trying to plan miracles.
The cost for this is too high for cube use. I am also, actively, trying to limit the amount of hexproof in my cube. I dislike the mechanic highly, and I feel it is a design mistake to push it to the levels they have recently. I want interaction and back and forth power struggles in my games. Hexproof is the opposite of that.
I will be running this card alongside Serendib Efreet of which it closely resembles mechanically. Fettergeist is more for control builds because the taxing ability would hurt aggro players who have multiple creatures in play. It helps to slow the opponent’s creature advance and can double as a win condition in a pinch. Serendib Efreet can work in both archetypes and is the better card overall.
I could see this being played in many cubes. I think it requires some testing. Flickering multiple “enters the battlefield” creatures seems like value. It is a great counter to removal spells, but blue already has actual counterspells which have many more uses.
Kokusho, the Evening Star. Your welcome.
I wonder if my cube is at a glut of “bounce” creatures. I am already running Man-o’-War, Æther Adept, Venser, Shaper Savant, and Riftwing Cloudskate. “Bounce” is a strong “enters the battlefield” effect for a creature to have as it can, essentially, be a Time Walk in the early game. I am not sure if I want more redundancy for this type of effect. Mist Raven will require testing.
Tamiyo is an auto-include for several reasons. She can protect herself from creature attacks with her plus ability, a sign of a powerful planeswalker. She can draw tons of cards against aggro or with your own token swarm. Also, her ultimate is ridiculous! Who wouldn’t want to draw Mana Drain or Time Warp over and over again? Excellent!
I don’t run Time Walk because of balance issues. Time Warp is my choice, and it’s a powerful card. Time Warp will be better than Temporal Mastery most of the time. The miracle cost is gimmicky. Time Warp is also a card you can retrieve from your graveyard. I’ve seen several cubers live the dream with Eternal Witness, Crystal Shard, and Time Warp!
Join me next time for part 2, Black and Red.
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