Standard: A place where people with the ability to acquire new cards get their best 75 together and try to be top dog. Sadly, a good amount of standard becomes dominated by expensive cards that many people either can’t afford or don’t care to spend the money on. It’s the way that it goes. Professional players win with a deck and the value of cards in the deck goes up because everybody buys those cards. The idea with this article is to get an understanding of the current standard to basically just get the wheels turning on your own more budget friendly decks.
Posts tagged Standard
Standard Features – What’s Good Nyikkuh?!
Standard Brewing – Mono Blue Humans
I built a semi-budget Mono Blue Human list that I was running in the Tournament Practice room on Magic Online with a lot of success. Lets take a look at what we are dealing with…
Delver after possible Bannings – Future Deck Lists
Will anything get banned on the 20th? Only time will tell. With the way the SCG Standard Open and the Invitiational looked this past weekend looked, something will likely happen. In both events U/W Delver decks were between 40%-45% of the field! I want to go over some possible decklists that could take shape if certain cards get banned.
Standard Brewing – U/R Delver Burn
Today I will go over a list I threw together while brainstorming deck ideas. I have played about two dozen matches on MODO while tweaking the deck after almost every round. I havent played any tournaments or matches where tickets were on the line as I wanted to get a feel for the deck first. I like what I have so far so lets see what we are dealing with…
Lets talk Delver, Delver and more Delver…
So as you may or may not have heard, it was a Delver overload this past weekend at the StarCityGames Open in Nashville. Some are shouting “BAN!” while others chalk it up to that regional metagame. Lets look over the decklists, the future of Delver, and what I think should happen regarding Magic’s future on letting an Insectile Aberration loom overhead.
StarCityGames Open: Orlando – Standard Report
Average Joes made a good showing this past weekend in Orlando at the StarCityGames Open Series in both Standard and Legacy. We had 3 people cash between both events with Bruce Strong making Top 8 in the Standard portion! Most of our team ran a R/G Wolf Run Ramp list that we had been working on for a few weeks, adding in some new cards from Avacyn Restored and tweaking the sideboard. The base list came from Roy Ochoa who had been cashing in some tournaments with a similar list. The other members that didn’t run the WRR list chose to run either a home brew list or an archetype stock list. Read on for a breakdown of the people that cashed, what list they ran, and our Wolf Run list that we had been working on.
New Standard Decks Updated with Avacyn Restored
With the release of a new set comes updated and possibly new decklists! Up to this point U/W Delver, R/G Aggro, and R/G Wolf Run Ramp always seems to be in the spot light making multiple top 8’s and winning numerous StarCityGames tournaments over and over. Does this new set promise any changes? Will U/W Delver still be considered the best deck? Lets take a look at some new options and go over the card changes.
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