As Standard is about to change slightly and evolve into a new format, I wanted to do something different for a local FNM one night. I decided to go Old School and give props to a good friend of mine, Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas. He and I go back to when I opened less than a box of Mirrodin Besieged at a prerelease (18 packs from 1 box and 14 packs from another) and he graced me with his presence…4 times. I knew then he would be by my side to bring out the Phyrexian in me. Here is our story…
Posts tagged Tournament
Lets talk Delver, Delver and more Delver…
So as you may or may not have heard, it was a Delver overload this past weekend at the StarCityGames Open in Nashville. Some are shouting “BAN!” while others chalk it up to that regional metagame. Lets look over the decklists, the future of Delver, and what I think should happen regarding Magic’s future on letting an Insectile Aberration loom overhead.
StarCityGames Open: Orlando – Legacy Report
On Sunday in the Legacy Open, only myself and Bryan Elliot played out of the Average Joes team. I convinced Bryan to run a Hypergenesis deck that made top 16 at another SCG Open (decklist here) while I went with arguably the top deck, RUG Delver. He did some minor fish bowling of the deck before he was hooked. I typically run EsperBlade but for once I chose to try something new.
StarCityGames Open: Orlando – Standard Report
Average Joes made a good showing this past weekend in Orlando at the StarCityGames Open Series in both Standard and Legacy. We had 3 people cash between both events with Bruce Strong making Top 8 in the Standard portion! Most of our team ran a R/G Wolf Run Ramp list that we had been working on for a few weeks, adding in some new cards from Avacyn Restored and tweaking the sideboard. The base list came from Roy Ochoa who had been cashing in some tournaments with a similar list. The other members that didn’t run the WRR list chose to run either a home brew list or an archetype stock list. Read on for a breakdown of the people that cashed, what list they ran, and our Wolf Run list that we had been working on.
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